I got lost in my own game with two players. I created the most important rule: to love you, love you always, love you in any case, no matter what happens. And now I have no way to go against that rule. I just ask you not to hurt me, not to give a reason for any regrets. Sometimes i just wanna close the door and go down the stairs that I was climbing for such a long time. Sometimes I wanna leave the room that I have reached after so many difficulties. But I can't, I've created the rule. Why? I don't know. I did not notice how I did it or when. It just happened like usually it does. You just go forward, follow the road and only after reaching the end you start looking back to the way you got there.
I'm here, standing in the place that was a dream for a long while. Trying to stay here is harder then reaching this place, it's so easy to fall, to go back to wherever I came from.
Please don't hurt me... I don't want to fall.
© LiLit Ghazaryan