I stay up at nights to work but there is a certain romance to the solidarity in darkness. My mind is quick at choosing a new destination and driving me off the cliff. Time is a funny thing, it stretches out at times and escapes you effortlessly at others. There is no way to predict its speed. I easily give in to the night and its mysterious games of time.
When you can't sleep it is so easy to forget that eventually you will have to wake up. And even if I stay up, that won't stop the sun from rising and the night will still escape through my back door as unnoticed as it came in to comfort my poor soul or distract it even more.
When you can't sleep it is so easy to forget that eventually you will have to wake up. And even if I stay up, that won't stop the sun from rising and the night will still escape through my back door as unnoticed as it came in to comfort my poor soul or distract it even more.