A chilly autumn Friday afternoon. I was seating in the waiting
room and waiting for my appointment with the psychiatrist. I had such high
hopes, I thought therapy would magically fix everything and things would start
getting better day by day. I was so anxious about noticing the changes that I
was starting to grow impatient. I thought this trained person would be able to
come into my soul, knock out all the walls, grab a microphone and give a bad
ass inspiring speech to my heart and then everything would become the way it is
supposed to be. I was expecting someone or something else to take over my mind
and solve my problems because I had grown so weak after fighting with my own
issues for years that I had finally given up. Well, maybe not given up all
together, because I did seek professional help, but at least I came to the
conclusion that I was not strong enough to deal with it on my own. Who knows,
maybe that was just another excuse. Maybe I am craving this long path for
myself to be able to run away from responsibility. At least now if I fail, yet
again, I can say that I at least tried, and hell, I even have witnesses now who
can prove that I tried.
It was the same Friday afternoon that I realized that I am
slowly starting to romanticize even this whole act of going to a psychiatrist. I
told you about it, I am not sure why. I don’t know if I want you to know that
you are the ache in my heart or I want to torment you with a feeling of
responsibility. At the same time, I don’t want you to think that you are that
important to me because I know I am not equally meaningful to you. You remember
about me when you are sad, lonely. You write after a long tiring day, when you
find yourself in the room by yourself surrounded by darkness and melancholic
thoughts. Well, at such vulnerable times it is easy to remember me, hell, it
could be anyone in my place. But I remember you even during the bright

We are going in different directions. You are happy with
whatever it is that we have and I am hungry for labels and definitions. You are
happy with talking about whatever is on the surface and I can’t help but drift
into the depth of it all. You seek simplicity but we are way far from simple
and I am desperate to untangle the confusion. Maybe in some twisted way I am
addicted to this pain, I keep torturing myself with the thoughts and
possibilities that you so masterfully have learned to hide. And if I bring
something up then I am distressing the shield that you have created around
yourself to be protected from those thoughts that are still haunting me. I
can’t get away, maybe I don’t want to. I don’t want to surround myself with a
lie, no matter how soft and comfortable it might be. You are way too good in
burying all that matters for the sake of moving on, and I am way too good at
remembering everything with every intricate detail, and that’s what makes me
sink deeper and deeper.
I guess the ultimate question is what is it that I want. I
want closure. I want to understand the things I still don’t get, I want to know
the things you never told me, I want to be reminded of details I didn’t notice.
I want to ask all those questions that I have out loud and hear answers in
reply instead of the dark silence of the night. I want you to explain me
everything, I want you to be honest, I want the truth. I want reasons instead
of made up excuses. I want logic to be able to move on. And even if the logic
is quite illogical, I’ll take it, I will take whatever motives you might have,
as long as you don’t leave my begging palms empty. I need this. I desperately
need this to finally move on. But the truth is that I can never be sure if you
will even do this for me. I know it’s not easy what I ask of you. I know we
both will have to relive through things we don’t want to, this might bring out
demons we have tried so hard to hide. But some of my demons are still out there
and I need to go through it to make sure I can survive, I need to go through it
to stop wondering and putting my bets on the non-realistic possibilities. I know
it will drain us both, but I so desperately need it. I am stuck in between this
tunnel and if you don’t at least meet me half way, there is no way I will find
my way out. I need you to come back for me and take me out of this hole, even
though you have found your shortcut, we will need to go through the long way to
make sure we never fall back again.