We Lost March...

Another month is over, time is really running too fast....

We keep hurrying, trying not to miss anything. But as a result we miss all the important things around us. We missed the Spring, we missed the blossom of the trees, we missed those first flowers that needed our attention. We missed the warm sunlight that was struggling against the cold winter.
We missed the beginning of the Spring...

Instead of walking down the streets and admiring our city that woke up from the long winter sleep we were running from one place to another without even looking around us. And if we did look, then we didn't see, we didn't care enough to notice all the changes around us.

We didn't have time to stop near the flowers to feel their sweet scent, we didn't have time to stop and listen to the songs that birds were singing for us. We were too busy to notice the colourful butterflies, the raindrops on the leaves. We didn't have time to stop by the old tree, which was in blossom again after so many years.

...We lost it, we lost the first month of the Spring, we lost the beauty of the nature at this wonderful time of year, we lost the March...

When you keep hurrying from one place to another, take couple of seconds, stop, look and try to see, it might be gone tomorrow...

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I used to hate Umbrellas...

I love Rain... and i hate Umbrellas...

I've always hated umbrellas.  I don't like people walking with umbrellas in the streets. It feels like they are trying to hide themselves, to stay away from everything. Umbrellas are like cages and people with umbrellas look like those poor birds that have lost their freedom.

I've always hated umbrellas, but this year... The rains this year seemed lonely and sad. Each drop of rain running down  my window made me think of you. All those memories would keep going through my mind. Being away from you was hard, but the rain made it even harder. And one day i realized that I went out of the house holding an umbrella in my hand. I was walking down the streets hiding from people, from the trees, from myself. I felt like i'm invisible, away from everyone and everything.

But was that what i really wanted? No, i wanted to be next  to you, no matter the weather i knew that i love you. And i'm sure that it was your Love that made me smile again, that made me forget about the umbrella.... And i was running under the rain again, feeling happy and so close to you.

Maybe I don't hate umbrellas anymore, but i will never hold an umbrella , unless you're here with me...

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... այն երազկոտ աղջկնակը

  Ինքս էլ չհասկացա թե ինչպես ստացվեց, բայց ամեն ինչ շուռ եկավ, փոխվեց դանդաղ, բայց հանկարծակի: Չհասկացա էլ թե ինչու այն փոքրիկ երազկոտ աղջկնակը լուռ ծածկեց դուռն ու հեռացավ, այնքան զգուշորեն գնաց, որ նույնիսկ չնկատեցի նրա բացակայությունը: Պարզապես մի օր հասկացա, որ իր տեղը դատարկվել էր, բայց դատարկությունն էլ երկար չտևեց: Փոքրիկ երազկոտ աղջկան, որը սիրում էր թախծել աշնանային անձրևի հետ, փոխարինեց մեկ ուրիշը:
  Փոխարինողն ավելի ուժեղ էր, շատ ավելի ուժեղ քան թախծոտ աղջնակը, բայց նա էլ էր սիրում աշնանային անձրևն ու անձրևից հետո քաղաքում տարածվող խոնավ բույրը:Փոխարինողն ավելի հաստատակամ էր ու ինքնավստահ, բայց նա էլ էր սիրում երազել:
   Նա հենց նույն թախծոտ աղջնակն էր, պարզապես մեծացել էր, հարմարվել այն ամենին ինչ առաջ չէր հանդուրժում: Սկսել էր ապրել այնպես, ինչպես ապրում են բոլորը, երբ հեռանում են իրենց աշնանային հեքիաթից, բայց միևնույն է չէր մոռացել անձրևի երգը: Նա դեռ նստում էր պատուհանի մոտ ու երկար զրուցում ապակու վրայով հոսող կաթիլների հետ...

Is It Really Easier To Fall In Love in the Spring?

... It's Spring again
Sunshine, flowers, warm breeze... and Love...
 You get excited when the flowers start to bloom, you start wearing flip flops again, put on bright clothes. Something makes you happy and you start enjoying every little think around you when the spring comes.

Well, there's now scientific proof that your heart doesn’t just get happy about the little things, it’s also  ready for love. When the weather gets warmer and we see more sunlight, the melatonin in our body decreases, which leads to an increase in energy and vitality. That brings mood changes, which makes easier to find a relationship.