Dance, just dance...
Whether you are happy or sad, missing someone or mad about something, dancing is the right thing to do. And I'm not talking about the professional academic dance moves, it's all about you and yourself. The best dance is when your body and soul are connected, when those two are dancing together as a couple and you become the director of your own small play...
Dance like it's the only way to express yourself and your feelings. Dance as if dancing is the only language that you know, the only way of communication that exists right at that moment. Try to get lost in the moves and steps that come out themselves. Dance, like those are the last minutes of your existence. Jump higher without any fear of falling, cause those seconds when you will be up in the air might seem the longest seconds in your life and that's when you are the only one who is responsible for your flight. Try to control your own body, loosing the control over yourself...
The sounds around you will disappear and the only thing you will be able to hear will be the music in your head, gentle tones that maybe you've never heard before.
Dance will help you find yourself, to combine the two parts of your personality, it will make the softest angel inside you meet the passionate devil hiding deep inside your character. You will find out much more about yourself while dancing.
Dancing is the art of life, the way to tell our story. Dance carries us high above the little things behind us, but also brings us down to the floor again. Dancing is fighting, fighting against yourself, against your thoughts and the strongest dancers only will be able to find the harmony between their body and soul while dancing...
Dedicated to my dear friend,
a great dancer,
© LiLit Ghazaryan

Dance will help you find yourself, to combine the two parts of your personality, it will make the softest angel inside you meet the passionate devil hiding deep inside your character. You will find out much more about yourself while dancing.
Dancing is the art of life, the way to tell our story. Dance carries us high above the little things behind us, but also brings us down to the floor again. Dancing is fighting, fighting against yourself, against your thoughts and the strongest dancers only will be able to find the harmony between their body and soul while dancing...
Dedicated to my dear friend,
a great dancer,
© LiLit Ghazaryan